Projekt: Film- und Festivalzentrum

Frankfurt am Main needs a film and festival center! The Frankfurt Department of Culture has published a feasibility study on how the long-standing desire from the film culture scene could become reality. It was published on June 16, 2021. The study was already announced in the coalition agreement 2016-2021; it can be downloaded here. The new coalition of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, SPD, FDP and Volt has also stated its commitment to improving the situation of Frankfurt's film festival scene in the coalition agreement 2021-2026: "We want to work towards the realization of a film and festival center."

As has been the case for many years, the city's different non-commercial film festivals need a physical location for their further development. It should include several movie theaters, one of them with at least 500 seats, and connected representative rooms as well as offices and storage space, which is available to the festivals, some of which are recognized far beyond Hessen and some even beyond Germany. The film and festival center is thus essential for the continued existence of Frankfurt's film festival scene. Since the CineStar Metropolis is no longer contractually available for cultural use, the major festivals have been dependent on outsourcing film screenings to interim venues such as the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, the Theater Willy Praml or the Volksbühne im Großen Hirschgraben.